Saturday 9 September 2023

Ph.D Positions - Livestock Nutrition & Nutritional Biochemistry at the University of Manitoba

The Department of Animal Science at the University of Manitoba is seeking passionate, bright, and highly motivated individuals interested in a fully-funded position as a Ph.D. student in the disciplines of life stocks nutrition and nutritional biochemistry. The successful candidates will join a strong, multidisciplinary academic and research team with expertise in non-ruminant nutrition, physiology, immunology, and nanotechnology. The anticipated start date is May 2024. 

The successful candidate will lead and assist with projects involving livestock nutrition and molecular biology techniques. Our current research program is focused on the development of alternatives to antibiotics, the mitigation of mycotoxin in feeds, and the sustainability of animal production. The successful candidate's research program will focus on the following specific project areas: 

1. Assess the feasibility of bacteriophages in the management of post-weaning diarrhea (PWD) associated with enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) in pigs 

2. Development of an integrated microfluidic platform for rapid and low-cost mycotoxin measurement in water and feed ingredients 

3. Impact of creep feed composition on pre- and post-weaning performance and development of piglets 

4. Assess the bioavailability of iron sources (FeSO4 vs Fe-polysaccharide complex), fecal iron excretion, gut microbial ecology, and health in growing-finishing pigs

5. Structural mechanisms of ligand activation in porcine calcium-sensing receptors 

Qualifications: The desire and ability to lead research projects and work within a team of other highly motivated individuals are of critical importance to this position. 

All applicants will be required to meet the criteria for acceptance as a graduate student at the University of Manitoba as outlined by the faculty of Graduate Studies ( it is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that they meet the minimum requirement before applying. 

Candidates must hold or will have completed, an MSc in a related discipline such as animal science, animal physiology, nutrition, biological science, or veterinary science. Previous experience with livestock and knowledge of nutrition and immunology, nutrient utilization, biochemistry, and feed formulation is required. Experience in disease challenge models, bioinformatics, and nanotechnology and a track record of peer-reviewed publications will be considered an asset. 

Information on graduates in the Department of Animal Science can be found at