Monday 25 September 2023

Ph.D Scholarship in Metacommunity Ecology

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I am seeking a PhD student to develop a project on metacommunity ecology and biodiversity science. The successful candidate will join the Freshwater Research Group (FERG), a vibrant, motivated group of student and post-doctoral researchers led by Angus McIntosh, Jono Tonkin, Helen Warburton, Issie Barret, and me (Tadeu Siqueira). There will be opportunities to interact with other members of the School of Biological Sciences.


University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand 

About the Scholarship

The scholarship provides domestic tuition fees and a monthly stipend to the value of NZ$28,000 per annum for up to three years (full-time). See more here:


The scholarship is not associated with a funded large project. This means that you will be free to develop your own ideas, as long as they are related to the study of spatio-temporal dynamics of metacommunities. The main topics to be potentially explored include (this is negotiable): 

The role of keystone communities in metacommunity dynamics; 

  • how connectivity affects community recovery; 
  • the effect of habitat loss vs. habitat deterioration on metacommunity dynamics; 
  • contexts in which stochasticity decouples biodiversity responses from environmental variation. 

These topics could be investigated by a combination of approaches, including simulations, experiments, and analysis of publicly available data. Although I will help you to develop many skills, I expect you to have good skills in statistical (or Mathematical) modeling, be independent, be enthusiastic about community ecology, and be willing to interact with other students and co-supervisors. 

How to apply 

To apply, please send (Tedeu Siqueira) a cover letter summarizing your research experience and interest, goals (2 pages max ), and your CV. 


Application deadline 

26th September 2023 (New Zealand time) 

You are expected to start officially in early 2024 (negotiable).

Further Information

PhD study at the University of Canterbury

Visa options for international candidates

School of Biological Sciences

Postgraduate degrees in Biological Sciences

Freswater Ecology Research Group