In plant-pathogen tug-of-war, pathogens deploy a wide range of molecules to suppress plant immune systems as well as alter plant physiology for their benefit. Recent evidence suggests that pathogens tap into host sugar metabolism for their growth and proliferation. The PI's laboratory has generated several large-scale protein-protein interaction networks (interactome; Mukhtar et al. SCIENCE, 2011; Arabidopsis Consortium, SCIENCE 2011; Klopffieisch et al. Molecular Systems Biology, 2011; Westling et al, Cell Host Microbe, 2014; Smarkowska, et al. 2018, NATURE) and transcriptional regulatory networks (Mishra et al, NPJ Systems Biology & Application 2018, Mishra et al, Scientific Reports, 2017 Tully et al, BMC Genomics, 2014). Moreover, our network topology analyses discover widespread contributions of both macro and micro-nutrients in the plant immune system (Ahmed et al. 2018, Nature Communication; Kumar and Mukhtar, Entropy 2023; Kumar et al. IJMS 2023; Mishra et al. Computational and Structural Biotechnology 2022; Mishra et al, Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2021; Kuumar et al, iScience 2020; Mishra et al. MPMI 2029).
The position will start in the Pring of 2024. the successful applicant will have skills and experience in one or more areas including bioinformatics (R, Python), and machine/deep learning. the projects will be focused on single-cell sequencing. and protein-protein interaction prediction using GNN and alphaFold2.
Required qualifications: 1. Ms in bioinformatics/systems biology or computer science; 2. previous experience working in these disciplines; 3. TOEFL/ILET is required, and GRE is preferred. APPLICATION: For information about the graduate program in the Department of Biology at UAB, and how to apply, please see
However, it is highly advisable for the applicants to make contact first with Dr. Shahid Mukhtar, by sending their CVs and via Zoom.
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