Friday, 4 August 2023

Fully-Funded MSc Position in Canada


An M.Sc graduate research position is available as part of a collaboration between Dr. Cam Goater's Parasite Ecology lab ( and Dr. Jenny McCune's Plant Ecology and Conservation lab ( The University of Lethbridge is a smaller university with a vibrant community of researchers. Lethbridge is an affordable and friendly city only 2.5 hours from Calgary, and only 1.5 hours drive from stunning mountain Parks, including Waterton Lakes Natural Park and Castle Wilderness Provincial Park. 

We are studying populations of the endangered Cooper's Rocky Mountain snail in beautiful Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park. The aim is to understand more about the habitat requirements of this snail using field surveys and a habitat suitability model. There may also be an opportunity to evaluate rates of predation on snails by an invasive ground beetle. 

we seek candidates with a passion for ecology and conservation, a love of being outdoors, strong communication skills, the ability to work independently and be self-motivated, and a B.Sc. in ecology or a related field. We welcome applications from students with diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. 

Please send a statement of interest, your curriculum vitae, and the contact information of 2 referees to before September 1, 2023. The position will remain open until we find the right candidate