Monday 21 August 2023

Ph.D. position at the University of Gottingen (Germany) requires an individual with strong molecular biology

Molluscan shell morphologies have been admired and studied by mathematicians, physicists, and biologists for centuries. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms that generate a coiled shell remain unknown. The recent discovery of a spectacular and robust open coil "banana" phenotype generated in response to the endocrine disrupter dutasteride presents an ideal opportunity to explore these mechanisms in the model mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis. Using a transcriptomics approach, coupled with in situ visualization of spatial gene expression patterns, the Ph.D. candidate will identify and characterize the major genetic components of the shell-coiling program in L.stagnalis. In addition, although L. stagnalis is a formally recognized OECD bio-sentinel species, its full potential to detect endocrine-active chemicals in the environment is hampered by a lack of knowledge regarding their modes of action molluscs. Therefore, this project will also significantly contribute to the environmental monitoring of European and Holarctic waterways. 

This Ph.D. position at the University of Gottingen (Germany) requires an individual with strong molecular biology skills and familiarity with the analysis of large computational datasets such as transcriptomes and whole genomes. Standard molecular lab skills such as RNA/DNA isolation, PCR, cloning, and Sanger sequence analysis and required. A familiarity with bioinformatic analysis (for example the ability to write Perl, Python, R, and shell scripts, to install and use command line programs, and use high-performance computing clusters for analyses) is highly desirable. Familiarity with maintaining (and repairing) semi-automated aquarium systems and working with aquatic animals would be advantageous. 

Candidates should hold a Master's in ovulation, cell biology, developmental biology, molecular biology, or a related field. in addition to their academic qualifications, candidates should have excellent communication, record-keeping, and organizational and team-working skills, and be committed to the topic and to working in a dedicated, interdisciplinary research environment. The working language of the group is English, and applicants from abroad are encouraged to apply. For international applicants, a desire to learn German should be demonstrated. 

The University of Gottingen is an equal-opportunity employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply in fields in which they are underrepresented. The university has committed itself to being a family-friendly institution and supports its employees in balancing work and family life. The mission of the university is to employ a greater number of severely disabled persons. Applications from severely disabled persons with equivalent qualifications will be given preference. 

All applications should be made in English and must include the following 3 items (incomplete applications will not be considered):

  1.  A full academic CV including any published or unpublished academic work 
  2. A 1-2 page letter outlining your research interest and motivation for applying. 
  3. 1-2 letters of reference and contact details of 1-2  referees (ge. previous supervisors) 

Applications with the usual documents are to be submitted in electronic form (a single PDF) by 31.08.2023 to the online application platform of the Georg-August University of Gottingen. https//

Informal inquiries prior to submitting an application can be directed to : for more information about the group see http//

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