Friday, 18 August 2023

2 MSc.,2 Postgraduate and 1 Post-doc position at the University of Manitoba, Department of Agriculture and food Sciences

Project title - Development of remote sense platforms to quantify crop-weed interference

opportunities: MSc, Ph.D., and Post-Doc position


Exciting opportunities are waiting in a multidisciplinary collaborative project spearheaded by Dr. Rob Gulden, Dr. Dilshan Benaragama, and R. Nasem Badreldin, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science, University of Manitoba, Canada. The team is seeking to recruit a member of trainees for an ambitious project "Remote sensing weed-crop interference and data-driven weed management decision-making tools" funded by NSERC (National Science Engineering Research Council). This project intends to use remote sensing platforms such as drones and satellites and diverse optical and non-optical sensors (RGB, Multispectral, and LiDAR) to gather data on crop and weed growth and to develop weed threshold models for precision decision-making for the main crops in western Canada. 


MSc (2 positions) Bsc degree in Agriculture/Biology/Geology/Remote Sensing. Students interested in working with drones and different types of sensors, analyzing remote sensing data, working in field conditions, and collecting ground data are encouraged to apply. Basic computer skills are required. A stipend of CAD$ 22,000 per year will be provided for two years.

Ph.D. (2 positions) _MSc degree related to remote sensing applications in agriculture/geology/environmental science. students with an agriculture background and experience in remote sensing using drone imagery and or LiDAR data will be advantageous. Potential students require skills and experience in RGB and multispectral image pre-processing (drone/satellite), image classification, and advanced statistical modeling skills. Students with experience in GIS software will be highly preferred. The project involves collecting drone data. processing data, image analysis, developing machine learning models for image classification, collecting ground data, and statistical modeling. A stipend of CAD $24,500/year will be provided for three years. 

Post-Doc (1 position) A recent Ph.D. in GIS/Remote sensing with a strong background in image processing and data analysis is required. Preference will be given to candidates with a strong background in image classification using Machine Learning as well as knowledge and skills in Python and or R coding for image processing and data analysis. Strong publication background and remote sensing applications in agriculture or environmental science are necessary. This position is funded for three years with an approximate salary of CAD $60,000 per year. 

All the trainees will gain opportunities to develop skills in gathering data using drones/satellites, processing RGB, multispectral, and LIDAR data, use of machine learning/AI approaches for image processing and data analysis, and advanced statistical modeling.

We value equity, diversity, and inclusiveness; thus we encourage persons with diverse backgrounds gender, ethnicities, nationalities, and experiences to apply.

Those who are interested can apply for this position by sending a CV to both of the following personnel. potential starting dates will commence from January 2024 onwards. 

Dr. Rob Gulden                                                 Dr. Dilshan Bernaragama

Professor                                                            Assistant Professor and Chair in Crop Protection 

Department of Plant Science                             Department of Plant Science

University of Manitoba                                     University of Manitoba                               Canada 


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