Wednesday 2 August 2023

Four-year Ph.D. position in Vascular Biology. Candidate with biomedical or biochemical disciplines are entreated to apply

Where: Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa, Madrid, Spain 

What we offer: 

Incorporation to an emerging group in the field of vascular biology and inflammation via a four-year contract 9FPI programme) associated with our funded project "Unmasking novel roles for endothelial autophagy processes during inflammation" (PID2022-1375520A-100). 

Personalized mentorship and opportunity to learn directly from the Principal investigator by side-to-side benchwork. 

Associated funding for a 3-month stay abroad. 

Research: Our lab is interested in characterizing the crosstalk between immune cells and the vascular system during physiological and pathological inflammation. Recently we have discovered that endothelial cell autophagy, a metabolic and homeostatic process, regulates the acute inflammatory response (Regiero-real et al, immunity 2021). in this project, we will explore the molecular mechanisms that regulate this phenomenon with the aim of identifying new therapeutic targets to modulate inflammatory disease. To address our research questions, we use a variety of in vitro and in vivo techniques, including cutting-edge high-resolution microscopy, quantitative proteomics, and murine models of inflammation. 

Profile: candidate should hold an MSc in biomedical or biochemical disciplines. Experience in in vivo mouse models, cell culture, immunology, bioinformatics and molecular biology will be very positively evaluated. good communication skills in writing and oral English. 

To Apply: please email your CV, academic records, and 1-2 reference letters from previous supervisors to Natalia Regiero Real ( by September 20th, 2023

More information: @NatRegiero