Monday 31 July 2023

Two Ph.D students postion - Data science, agricultural lands, wetland restoration, and environmental benefits at Bolse State University, Idaho, USA

Boise State University in Idaho, USA, is offering two outstanding Ph.D. student positions to join a collaborative team focusing on climate adaptation strategies for agricultural lands in the western United States. This transdisciplinary project employs cutting-edge data science techniques to monitor the restoration process of mesic resources (wetlands, riparian zones, and wet meadows) resulting from farmer-driven interventions in Idaho and Oregon.

The research aims to develop novel metrics from remotely sensed datasets to assess the outcomes of restoration projects and utilize modeling to quantify the ecosystem services provided by these restored ecosystems. The Ph.D. students will gain expertise in data science, including time-series satellite data, Artificial Intelligence methods such as machine learning and deep learning, and social-ecological modeling.

Supervised by Dr. Jodi Brandt and Dr. Trevor Caughlin, the students will work collaboratively with an interdisciplinary team comprising experts from The Nature Conservancy and Conservation International. They will also benefit from co-advisement by other faculty members and engage with fellow students in the Human-Environment Systems community. This community focuses on team-based research and addresses environmental challenges across multiple disciplines.

Candidates are expected to have a background in data science, remote sensing, spatial analysis, hydrology, and/or modeling, along with strong computational skills and a desire to expand expertise in data science, remote sensing, and programming. Stakeholder engagement skills will be essential, given the project's focus, and applicants with a Master's degree and experience relevant to the research topics are encouraged to apply.

Successful candidates will receive financial support for the first two years through grant funding, followed by two additional years of teaching assistantship, which includes a stipend of $32,000 per year, tuition and fee waivers, and health insurance. The Ph.D. positions are available for the Fall 2023 (August) or Spring 2024 (January) term.

To apply, interested individuals should submit a single file attachment via email to Dr. Jodi Brandt (email:, including a cover letter highlighting their qualifications and career goals, a CV with contact information for three references, and copies of transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable). The subject line of the email should read "Ph.D. application-Climate Smart Agriculture."

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and top candidates will be invited to apply formally to a Boise State graduate program. All admission decisions are subject to approval by the Graduate Dean. The deadline to apply for these Ph.D. positions is August 15, 2023.

Research scholarship for Neuroscience, psychiatry, and clinical psychology with job offer at the University of Zurich, Switzerland


The University of Zurich (UZH) is seeking talented and motivated individuals to join an international consortium dedicated to advancing the field of digital prediction and intervention for suicidality. We invite applications for the following position: doctoral researcher at UZH in Zurich, Switzerland (in collaboration with Prof. Sebastian Olbrich and Prof. Birgit Kelim). 

MULTICAST is a four-year SNSF-founded project and a collaborative effort between the psychiatric University Hospital Zurich, The Department of Psychology of the University of Zurich, the German Department of the University of Zurich, and the Department of Psychiatry, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, USA. It takes an interdisciplinary approach to the prediction of suicidal ideation (SI) and suicidal behavior (SB) by drawing on key linguistic, psychological, clinical, and neurobiological features. The overarching aim of the project is to broaden our understanding of how suicidal ideation can best be predicted and to develop precise and efficacious smartphone-based treatment strategies. 


  • Developing and conducting the project in close collaboration with colleagues and supervisors, including naturalistic clinical, experimental, and feasibility studies
  • Analyzing data (R, Python)
  • Writing and publishing high-impact manuscripts in disciplinary and interdisciplinary international, peer-reviewed journals.
  • Presenting research related to this project at national and international conferences. 

  • Strong interest in research in the area of neuroscience, psychiatry, and clinical psychology
  • strong team player
  • Excellent writing skills for scientific publications. 
  • strong quantitative background; interest in advanced statistics (R, Python, Matlab)
  • Ability to work independently 
  • Proficiency in English (German language skills are an asset but not required).


  • Opportunity to engage in a theoretically relevant research project of high applied value 
  • The position will strengthen your research portfolio
  • We offer a dynamic, collaborative, interdisciplinary, and international research environment with many opportunities to develop your academic career.
  • Diverse opportunities for networking with international and interdisciplinary researchers as well as industry partners
  • Attractive employment according to UZH regulations, flexible working hours 
  • The University of Zurich is Switzerland's leading research university with excellent working conditions, competitive salaries, and generous social benefits.

UZH, Zurich: Psychiatric Unversity Hospital Zurich, Lenggstrasse 31, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland. 

Start of Employment and application procedures. 

The earliest starting date is in August and can be negotiated. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the positions are filled. Please submit your (CV, motivation letter, and two letters of recommendation) as a single pdf to All questions regarding the post can be addressed to Additional information on the project and teams can be found here:  

Friday 28 July 2023

Ph.D position in Neuroscience


 Coeruleus imaging in Alzheimer's disease: relationships with cognition, psycho-effective state, and sleep quality. 

  • Three-year Ph.D. position in Neuroscience 
  • Supervisor: Dr. Robin de Flores & Prof. Eric Bui 
  • Starting date: before January 2024
  • Research team: Multimodal Neuroimaging of Brain Diseases (Dr. Gael Chetelat)
  • Salary: €1600/Monthly 
  • Research Unit: inserm U1237, Caen, France (Prof. Denis Vivien)
  • Application deadline: September 30th, 2023
  • Starting date: As soon as possible 

The Project: the main current challenges in Alzheimer's disease (AD) research in i) to gain a better understanding of the biological mechanisms involved, and ii) to be able to detect the first signs of the disease at an earlier stage. The locus coeruleus (LC) are very small nuclei located in the brainstem. interestingly, histopathological studies suggest that the LCs are one of the initial sites of tau pathology in AD before tau spreads to regions directly connected to them. In addition, seminal works in animals and post-mortem human studies suggest that his region behaves like one of our brain's conductors, and is involved in a myriad of functions. indeed, the LC has been described as particularly important in i) numerous cognitive functions (episodic memory, working memory, and attention), ii) sleep (regulation of sleep-wake cycles and memory consolidation processes) and iii) certain psycho-affective and emotional processes (chronic stress and anxious behavior). All these observations have led to the development of MRI sequences for in vivo assessment of LC integrity. 

In this context, the aim of this thesis is to take advantage of this new imaging technique to better characterize the role of this key brain structure, and to explore new avenues for improving the early diagnosis of AD. Indeed, LC imaging offers the opportunity to better understand the role of thiese nuclei in the AD pathophysiology and the impact of its alterations of cognitions, psycho-affective states, and sleep. 

The lab: The Neuropresage team, headed by Dr. Gael Chetalat and Dr. Geraldine Rauchs, is organized around four main areas of interest. i) improving neuroimaging biomarkers for early Alzheimer's disease diagnosis; ii) furthering the understanding of the physiopathological mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease with multimodal neuroimaging, iii) investigating the relationship between lifestyle factors and brain biomarkers and iv) developing non-pharmacological interventions to promote mental health and wellbeing in aging population. The team is currently involved in 2 large projects [Multimodality Imaging of Early-stage Alzheimer's interventions (English versus Emtal Training) on behavioral and biological markers of aging and Alzheimer's], and several other projects related to sleep, and to stress-related conditions, including posttraumatic stress and prolonged grief disorder. 

The team is affiliated to the Inserm U1237 (Prof. Denis Vivien) and is based at the Cyceron Center, a structure that provides a stimulating work environment as it groups several research units and several research tools, such as cyclotron, 2 PET-CT and 2 MRI. The lab is located in the beautiful city of Caen (Normandy, France) which is 2 hours by train from Paris and 1 hour by plane from Lyon (Where the team has close collaborators); it is also just 10 minutes away from the beaches. The city is within driving distance of popular Normandy attractions including Bayeux and its famous tapestry, the D-Day Landing Beaches, and the picturesque Pays d'Auge, home of cider and cheese. 

Requirement for Applicants: To apply, candidates must hold an internationally-recognized master's- equivalent degree in biology, neuroscience, or related field. Previous research experience in the field of aging, neurodegenerative disease, and/or stress will be highly appreciated. Experience in coding (especially in Matlab and/or Python) as well as with one specific neuroimaging modality (e.g. fMRI, DTI, ASL) will be highly appreciated but is not mandatory. 

Questions regarding the position can be directed to Robin de Flores ( 

To apply: send a CV, motivation letter, and two letters of recommendation to Robin de Flores (

Ph.D. Position at MPI for Biology Tuebingen, Dr. Thorsten Langner at the Max Planck Institute for Biology in Tuebingen, Germany is seeking a Ph.D. candidate

"Evolution and function of mini-chromosome encoded virulence proteins" 

The recently established group "Adaptive evolution of filamentous plant pathogens" of  Dr. Thorsten Langner at the Max Planck Institute for Biology in Tuebingen, Germany is seeking a Ph.D. candidate. 

Research: Plant pathogens constantly coevolve with their host plants to establish infection, which can have a dramatic effect on crop yield and food security. Certain regions of pathogens' genomes evolve at a high rate to continuously overcome the plant immune system and manipulate development processes in the host plant. This enables rapid adaptation of virulence effector proteins to diverse host genotypes or species and ultimately leads to disease. One driver of adaptive evolution are genome rearrangements that can lead to copy number variations which further facilitate high evolutionary rates and affect the expression of virulence-related proteins. One peculiar type of these large-scale structural variations in the genome of the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae are mini-chromosomes. These are chromosomes that exist only some individuals but are absent in others. We have recently discovered a diverse set of mini-chromosomes in wheat - and rice-infecting M. oryzae isolates that encode several virulence-effector proteins. In the ERC-funded project "PANDEMIC", we will study how these effector proteins evolve and interact with host target proteins to contribute to the virulence of the blast fungus using a multidisciplinary approach including genetics, biochemistry, biophysics and structural biology. We will leverage this knowledge for the bioengineering of plant immune receptors to provide resistance against the blast fungus. 

Who are we looking for? We are seeking a highly motivated individual with a Masters degree (or Bachlor degree in exceptional cases) in molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry or microbiology. Previous laboratory experience in microbiology and plant science or bioinformatics is an advantage. You should be curious, a team player, and have a great interest in molecular plant-pathogen interaction and plant immunity. Fluency in written and spoken English is essential. 

What do we offer? The Max Planck Institute for Biology offers outstanding working conditions and state-of-the-art research infrastructure in an international and interdisciplinary research environment. The Ph.D. position is fully funded for 4 years. The successful candidate will be integrated in the international Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) 'From Molecules to Organisms' and will benefit from a diverse community of PhD students, a wide range of training in professional and transferable skills, career development support, and excellent mentoring. 

The application deadline is 16th of August, 2023 and the position will start in early 2024

To apply and for more information about our group and the project visit IMPRS faculty and project pages: 

Project website: 

IMPRS faculty page: 

If you have questions regarding the project, please contact me:

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German Humboldt Research Fellowships 2024 to study for free in Germany


Humboldt Research fellowship for the batch of 2024 academic session started enrolling applicants in partner universities and I should tell you that Humboldt research scholarship funding will be awarded to those international students who want to engage in a doctorial or postdoctoral research program in Germany.

So all of you interested to apply for this German fellowship must choose a German University, college, or research institution for your research to apply for Humboldt Fellowship 2024 which will be awarded for a period of six to twenty-four months and enable researchers to carry out postdoctoral research in a German institution.

Applicants are selected based on their academic scores, their research publications, language skills, and the thorough assessment of their candidacy the candidates are free to select their research area and research topic and therefore around 30% of the total applications get to the final stage and get selected for this Humboldt fellowship.

Coverage Allowances of Humboldt Research Fellowship

The German fellowship known as Humboldt offers to fund 2,650 EUR per month to postdoctoral students with funding of 3,150 EUR per month for experienced researchers other than that this fellowship offers the following: A language course that would last for two to four months and would take place in a German language institution before the fellowship recipient starts his/her studies in Germany. An offer to be a part of a language course can also be extended to the recipient’s marital partner. An invitation to research-related conferences and symposiums.

A family allowance of 345 EUR for the candidate’s marital partner. 274 EUR will be given to each child of the fellowship recipients. for single parents, a monthly allowance of 400 EUR will be given for the first child. 100 EUR will be given for every additional child that the recipient has. Subsidy for research purposes will be given to the host institution that is taking in the recipient whereas this amount of it will be 800 EUR for research being conducted in the fields of natural science and engineering. For research in the field of humanities and social sciences, the amount of the subsidy will be 500 EUR. An allowance will be given for the researcher to conduct his/her research in any other European country other than his/her home country and this will be given to only those who absolutely need to go to a European country for the purpose of their research. Coverage for travel expenses of the fellowship holder if those travel expenses are not being covered by any other third party. An allowance for conducting research (to the candidate’s host institution).

Eligibility Criteria for Humboldt Research Fellowship:

  • An up-to-date resume of the candidate (should not exceed two pages)
  • An outline of the research (Should not exceed two pages)
  • A comprehensive and complete list of all the publications made by the candidate.
  • A list of publications that are of key importance
  • Certificate of doctorate
  • Language proficiency certificate (if either German or English language)
  • A statement by the host institution confirming the availability of research facilities for the candidate
  • Expert review by at least two people
  • Translations of publications in German or English if the publications are not in either of these languages
  • Letter of acceptance.


There are at least 500 scholarships to be awarded potential applicants are welcome to apply at any time of the year. Applicants can be domestic and international students.


Interested candidates can submit their application through the website of the Humboldt Foundation, the link of which is given below the article.

Applicants have to be in agreement about their research outline and the duration of it with their host institution. Their application must include a statement by their host institution confirming the availability of research facilities to the candidate. The application (fully completed) should be submitted at least four months earlier than the selected date

Duration of the Humboldt Fellowship

The duration of the Humboldt Fellowship is:

6 to 24 months for postdoctoral candidates.

6 to 18 months for independent researchers.


Humboldt fellowship applications can be submitted at any time during the year and the Humboldt fellowship committee assesses and awards the fellowship throughout the year however candidates should make sure that their applications are accompanied by all of the required documentation.

link to application                                                                         Application notice

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